And the bizarre Takirens continue… This must be the longest one I’ve translated so far… Is it? I think so… In any case, he has really wacky sales ideas..
Takizawa Rengou Vol. 271
12 Mar
Kouchi’s minced bonito was delicious waThere were a lot of garlic. Although I’m back at the hotel already, my heart is still unsettled (moko-moko)
I want to go there again
What day is it today?
Takitsuba Debut~ 4-1/2 years
.You forgot rite (–;)
You are disqualified (-.-“) .
President tried his best from yesterday, and today he has to work nightEveryone in the Sales Department, please standby for the [X~Dame~] Limited Request Project. The Head of the Sales Department is Mie-san, who resides in Mie Prefecture. (Is there such a person?
Chief Clerks, please eat Nattou tonight. By the way, yesterday I ateKimchi Nattou
Super Employees, please cover your face with a pillow and shout “Takitsuba~ Omedetou!”This is to reduce the amount of nuisance caused to the neighbourhood
Managing Director sent me a mail againHead of Department also called
Oh ya. Recently he called me in the middle of the night. There wasn’t anything in particular though.
By the way, do you realise what day is it tomorrow??
Yatta! It’s done! Please pardon the inaccuracy~ Ah, talking about Nattou, I had Nattou Omelette for dinner. Not bad actually~~ Oh, but I don’t think I’ll eat Kimchi Nattou coz erm, I detest Kimchi!! (@.@)
*looks at clock* 2.10am!!! Hmmm.. ok, I can try to go to bed now, even when I’m not feeling sleepy at all… Too high after flipping thru the TV mags heh~~~ ROMEO~~~
I think Takki’s gone over the deep end.
wait till you read the latest two 275~276. LOL
he is cracking me up.
lol~ tsubaholic, i think so too haha
i haven’t seen 275-276 yet…
wonder if he posts while he’s drunk or something (T.T)
haha. takkraziiiiiI!!!!!!!!!!!in year 2007 of his txt 5th wedding anniversary mah..must forgive him for being so ‘high’!!!
hmm, ur omelette foodie seems goodie delicioussss..i wan tasteeee..where u eat,girl?
lol i love baka takki
please stay this wayy ^^
“Super Employees, please cover your face with a pillow and shout “Takitsuba~ Omedetou!†This is to reduce the amount of nuisance caused to the neighbourhood”
i LOVE his cuteness!!!!!!! BBBAAAKKKAAAA~~~