
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site


Totally didn’t expect ANYTHING like this at all! Could this be the rumoured “announcement” at the end of this week? But… a new butai in Jan? Ehhh??? But it might be bogus, so I won’t believe it until J-web/J-net/Takki announces it!

When I heard that Tono colored his hair black, while hoping for Kuricon, I was also guessing if Enbujo 2009 was approaching. Then I saw this, and it has kept me wide awake! I was on the verge of falling asleep, but now I can’t sleep yo~~!

SO many questions in my head… Takizawa Revolution? Imperial Theatre? There’s even the full schedule and ticket prices yo… The image looks real… but it’s small so it might be forged… but who would wanna forge such an image anyway? Does that mean it’s true then? (No, I wont believe it until there is some form of official announcement!) Will there still be Kuricon? And what will happen to Enbujo? Won’t there be one in 2009? Ahh… My mind is in a mess now~

EDIT: Seems like many ppl in the BBS have received their blue envelopes~ It should be confirmed ne! Ahh~~ I was confused 10 hours ago, but now I’m super excited!! XD Although this is the start of our headaches… but KYAAAA!!!! New butai!!! Tanoshimi!!!! Wonder what kind of show it is… There’ll be 38 shows, from 1st to 27th Jan (maybe there won’t be a Johnnys Countdown this year…), at Imperial Theatre where Takki did “Dream Boy” back in 2004! Most likely it’s a modern butai? Somebody said maybe Takizawa Knight will appear LOL! I’m not sure~ this theatre, where “Shock” is done too, is very different from Shimbashi. And I was thinking, maybe Enbujo will be in summer, like in 2007? So I shouldn’t be worrying too much now :)


12 thoughts on “2009新春滝沢革命?

  1. I read the news on Bon-chan’s page…I’m worried/confused. So many questions on my end too…
    What is this Takizawa Revolution? What about more things for the rest of this year? Ehhhhhhh….(_ _;)
    Where did you guys get the tidbits on this thing from? I’d like to read through it.
    Thanks again.

  2. I’m excited too that tono can go back to imperial theatre,and start a new stage
    look forward to tono’s new stage role^^

  3. Uwahhhhh!!!! So sudden! Interesting!!
    This is quite exciting :)) Can’t wait to hear what the butai will be about :00

    A part of me is a bit :\ about it though, ’cause I wantwantwant unit activities!! But since this was announced now, then maybe they’ll announce a new single/album at W2TP? :0 Hggghsdkakffg.

    And noo, I want Johnnys Countdown 08/09!! XD

  4. What??? what??? WHAT???

    This exciting news. Now I won’t be able to sleep!
    Like Stephi-chan, I was wondering where this all came from?

  5. Simone…..It’s for real. It’s not a rumor. A friend of mine in Japan already received her blue envelope. Mich….I’m so happy of this news….Takki won’t be silent for awhile for nothing ne…

  6. You must have edited this shortly after I posted my reply. I’m still kinda ehhh about this, but happy for Takki at the same time that he’s got something new planned for us. Still wondering about the rest of the year though. Can’t wait to hear more about this.

  7. U r really so cute….

    i really liked the way when u said the above..

    i hope i can see that…

    am in place that i have to wait for everything to be on the internet..

    if that happen that u saw it

    please tell me about it in deitals…

    i know that too much to ask.. but please

    am counting on u XD

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