
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Earthquake in Indonesia…

We could feel the building here shaking. I thought it was due to my drowsiness (after eating the cough tablet in the morn, I was quite drunk~), my colleague thought her chair was shaking the table… We panicked a bit… for a few seconds, I thought the building was going to collapse lol~

But immediately it struck us that there might be an earthquake in Indonesia. True enough, we saw the CNA report. There was another tremor experienced after lunch… so a total of 2 quakes struck Indonesia. Is everyone there ok? Nere is in Jakarta, not Sumatra rite?

Ribi’s boss has called it a day… while my boss has gone to save the world heh.. He said he’ll “be back in an hour” and rushed off lol~ *think Clark Kent*

Oh, WAIT, a guy just announced thru the PA system (as I’m typing this). They are conducting a visual check on the building. If there’s a need to evacuate, they’ll make an announcement.

And my calendars are out for delivery already! I hope someone will be at home to hear Mr Postman knock on the door coz the stupid doorbell is spoilt v_v

Earthquake in Indonesia…

9 thoughts on “Earthquake in Indonesia…

  1. Omgosh…are u alright there, Shelle? Hope everything’s ok where yer at. -_-

    lol…and your boss like ‘Clark Kent’…lol…he wiiiiish. LOL :p

    ‘pssst…hey Mr. Postman’?? Yooohooo?? Do ya have Shelle’s T&T goodies? If not, I’ll knock some sense into ya…and it won’t b nice, I’ll tell ya that much either. LOL pfffff~ :p j/k

  2. oh, reiko-chan, singapore is alright yo~ just tremors and buildings shaking only… it’s indonesia that we should worry about~ hope everyone’s ok…

    ah, and thanks for offering to knock some sense into mr postman hahaha…

  3. Good morning, Michelle…at least it is morning here in U.S. and I just saw the report of the quake and how it was felt as far away as Singapore. I told my husband that I knew people in that whole area. I am glad that you are doing okay if just a little shaken (no pun intended!). Has anyone heard from Nere? I had noticed that she had not made any new posts at the blog I go to since one in Japanese which I believe was about Takki’s nose. I had read over the weekend that there were mudslides in the areas that had had flooding recently there. I believe you are right about her being in (near?) Jakarta. I did not know if it was normal for her to go long periods without posting……you ladies have spoiled me ^_^

    Hope you get your calendar soon…the pix are beautiful! And it is good to have a boss that is cute, ne????

  4. Michelle, is everything ok? daijoubu?
    actually Malaysia can feel it too
    my brother called and inform me at about 1pm but… i didnt feel any, terrible me…
    luckily nothing bad happened.
    hope no more earth quake ne…

  5. sen~ ya, i saw on the news that both singapore and malaysia also can feel tremors… we are about 450km away from where the earthquake took place rite… i do hope everything will be ok over there, and no more earth quakes lor~~

    glenda~ i just checked and nere did post up some takirens couple of days back. hope she’s alright~ and i got my calender already! hehe.. made a long post about it! ahh.. ya, my boss hehe~~ ^_^

  6. yea the earthquake really shock shook me!
    i was at parkway office HQ there cz no schools in tht morning..gosh level 9..then i was moving left to right V_V i thot wht happened..while working on my mac machine n i tot was it the strong wind blowing????or tornado???hehe..n frantically look out of the window 2 see…then my colleagues say muz evacuate..so gt us 2 go dwn outside grnd floor gather..tsk duno for wht loh..i rather stay in d building haha……wun so ez collapse la!!!bt was a 1st kind of experience! quite scary!

  7. ya, first time i experience tremors too.. quite giddy lor, right after the 2nd tremor, i stood up and couldn’t stand properly, straight away had to sit down lol~ all of us like drunk lidat la~ but ours shouldn’t be as bad as ribi’s since her office is so high up on 20-something-th floor, and somemore shenton way there are mostly reclaimed land…

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