
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Happy Valentines Day!!

Since it’s past 12 midnight, I might as well post this before I go to bed…


Happy Friendship Day, minna-san. Spread the love~~~ :)

I will be posting up a clip soon, from Takki’s junior days. Hopefully I can get it done before CNY… that leaves me *counts* 4 days to do it. Ok, ganbarimasu!!

I wonder how our boys are going to spend their 14th of February *grin*

Happy Valentines Day!!

5 thoughts on “Happy Valentines Day!!

  1. OK i m thinking the same exact thing as u! :::Wondering how our boys gonna spend their 14th feb valentine!! whtz txt gonna ‘blog’???esp takiren LOL!XDDD

    ehh happy valentine’s day to you too michelle! (= gdnite!

  2. HAHA~~ lets wait & see !! pls guysssss tell US.. FAST !!!

    Ok, before i ciao… HAPI BALENTINES DAY YA !!! Ganbatte Shelle~ *huggsss*

  3. Yea…wonder how T&T will spend their Valentine’s Day ne? *grins too* Anywho…hey sis, Happy Valentine’s Day to you!! XDD Keep up the great work you’re doing 4 this site…as always, and GANBARE on your countless number of Japanese lang classes & working ne? ^.^

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