
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

“Kokuchisezu” O/A: 15 November 2008!

Kokuchisezu 「告知せず」 (TV Asahi 50th Anniversary Special Drama)
On Air: 15 Nov 2008 (Sat) @ 9pm

Sanspo writes that “Kokuchisezu” is submitted for the 63rd Annual Art Festival by Agency for Cultural Affairs. Seems like the website haven’t posted up the “television” and “radio” sections of the participating works yet. Once they do, we should get to see it listed in the PDF.

You can read more articles from Sponichi, Sports Hochi and Nikkansports. The Kokuchisezu official website has been updated too. Yay!!! Can’t wait for 11/15!!! XD

“Kokuchisezu” O/A: 15 November 2008!

10 thoughts on ““Kokuchisezu” O/A: 15 November 2008!

  1. wow… so many people celebrate birthday in nov ne~
    i just can’t wait for nov to come… i was screaming in joy when i went to kokuchisezu web site and saw the date… screaming happily…

  2. finally after a long break, we can see tono in act again! thanks mich for the infor.. 11/15 come faster pls..

  3. yeah! finally! too bad I would not get to watch it in real time.

    I am still crossing my finger for a TT concert.

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