
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Samurai~ Samurai~~

Seems like Takki was in Nagoya doing some work. Does that boy get any rest at all?? He was so skinny, his face and body, though I have to admit his bicceps looked so juicy… so delicious.. so yummy…. *hides*~~~ I wish he’d eat more now that he doesn’t have to do bunjee jumps twice a day. He should have some of Yamachan’s tebasakis kekeke~~ They are really quite oishii ne! I had a total of 10 over the past week (which probably also contributed to the loss of my voice now) XD

Prepare for the rush, peeps! Many promos coming up for 24hr TV, drama and wait, before those, Samurai~~ Excited yet slightly apprehensive (not sure what to expect) hahaha… We better free up some space on our hdd!!!! And time really flies~~ Before I know it, Enbujou 2007 has ended, and now, it’s only 6 days from the release of Samurai!!!

Samurai PV

Samurai PV

Lemme KYA more on the Samurai PV first. Since I have no voice to scream in person, I can only do some CYBER-KYA~~~ KKYYYAAAAAAA~~~ SQUEEEEE~~~~~ UWAAAHHH~~~~ This must be the coolest of their PVs so far~ HONTO KAKKOIIIIIII ne!!!!! The color of the video is so cool~

Samurai PV

Takki looks so kakkoii in the white yukata!!! AND super cool in that sleeveless top and jeans, with long chain. Wow, look at those arms!!! that face!!! the hair!! the chain! the arm band! those kissable lips!! Everything is so kakkoii~~!!! *inserts fangirl gibberish* !@)(&%$!&^%£@!*

Samurai PV

I first saw a bit of the PV last week when it was played in the background of “Samurai” during Enbujou, amidst the glaring lights reflecting off the mirrors that surround Takki *LOL* And already we thought it was kakkoii! Then, they played the entire PV at the FC when we were there~ WOOOAAHHH!! SUGE!! There were 2 Japanese fans beside me who commented that it was kakkoii. My takkidar heard one of them saying that she has liked Takki for a long time~ ^-^

Solo PVs

Then, for their solo songs. Tsubasa’s is a slow ballad, while Takki’s s dance/jazz-like! It’s like they switched? coz I was expecting a ballad from Takki and dance version from Tsubasa hehe… Saw a bit of their solo PVs at the FC too. Tsubasa’s was black and white, and showed him walking down a road, slow and relaxing… while Takki’s was colourful… Er, I only saw it once but I think he was wearing a hat. There were 3 Takkis walking on the screen, then 2 Takkis singing back to back, colorful and upbeat XD As for the song, all I can remember now is something like “Bye bye bye….” Hahahaha~~~ 6 more days! 6 more days!! Can’t wait~~~~

Samurai~ Samurai~~

6 thoughts on “Samurai~ Samurai~~

  1. Ohhhmyyygawd!! *kyaaaaaaaaaaaa* (is all I can muster up saying right now) lol :P Well, I saw the beginning part…so far…lol Welllll, I couldn’t resist making LOTS of screenies of Takki. (and may I say that this was only the beginning still? lol) Couldn’t help myself. lol

    And you’re right, Mich…this video is HONTONI KAKKOII! @_@ *dies* I dunno whatelse to say right now becuz I’m STILL viewing this PV as we speak. LOL But, I think it’s totally ‘rocker-ish’ and them doing a PV like that is WAY COOL. ^_^ I was sort-of waiting for them to do a PV like this where I’d hear electric guitars playing in the background w/keyboards, drums, a live band, and T&T dressed ‘rocker-ish’, all in black. *squeeeeeeee* My wish has been answered. *Thank YOU, da Man upstairs* lol

    All while I kept watching though, my mind was mostly concentrated on his bicep muscles, face, hair, blk armband, and biceps again. lol ^_^ (Oh…did I mention ‘BICEPS’? :P) I loved how his hair flowed in the wind (airy-like) in the very beginning of the PV. (after it showed Takki’s feet shuffle dirt like how samurai’s do…lol) So sexy! *melts*

    And he wore pants or jeans underneath the yukata?? O_O I sorta laughed at first when I saw that because it just looked ‘funny’ when they panned the PV around when T&T did fighting scenes with the samurai. But, I can understand since they probably didn’t want T&T wearing undies underneath yukatas. lol :P (the material is light & airy/see-through-looking)

    But I loved how Takki’s blk leather pants was glazing in the moonlight every so often (from dark to lt and vice versa due to the lightening). He looks SOOOO goood dressed like that all in black w/those tight pants. O_O I even like the blk bracelet around his wrist.

    See? You know something? IF some day…T&T ends up retiring from JE, Takki should start up a rock band of some kind w/Tsu. They’d make a great rock duo-band together, dontcha think? ^_^

  2. Eehhhhhh…did you just go to Japan, Michelle? When was this? You didn’t tell me. *sigh* =) You must’ve had so much fun, huh? Didya get to go to the FC club and take pictures from the inside?

    Eehhhhhh…Takki’s one says ‘bye bye bye’? O_o LOL :P Reminds me of the boyband NSYNC now. lol *pffffft* Well, their song came in my mind when you said ‘bye bye bye’. lol

    Jazz/dance-like…hmmmm. I’d have to hear it. I hope it doesn’t sound ‘funny’ like Mermaid or something. Yeah, I still dun care much for that song from their 2U4U album. And he wears a hat in this one? O_O Ooooohh…love Takki in hats! ^_^ And colorful and upbeat. Hmmm…I hope it’s something similar to the lines of ‘Crazy Rainbow’ (its upbeat tempo) or something. ^_^ That would be cool.

    Oooohh…3 Takki’s walking on the screen!! *squeeee* Then 2 Takki’s singing back-to-back? Sugoii! Wanna see it so much now. ^_~ With 2 Takki’s singing back-to-back like that, I’d love to make lots of screenies with that. lol

    Wow…and Tsu does a ballad-type of PV…cool. =) Love ballads; always have. At least it’ll be different from his ‘Slave of Love’ and ‘Edge’ rockish songs. ^_^

  3. yo reiko-chan, i deleted one of your comments coz it was duplicate ne! ah, yes, i went to japan. it was last min thing :) lol~ it’s not nsync’s bye bye bye naaa… how to describe ne? btw, both tsu and takki sang the same, not only takki, coz remember, this song has the same lyrics and melody. only different arrangements~ ^_^

    ‘mermaid’ is quite nice to listen to after a while. to me, it’s better than ‘hey! listen to the music’ *lol* but i’m so glad, like bon-chan, that finally it’s a single without furitsuke?! haha… they have to change their image a lil~ these kind of rockish-pvs are way cool :)

  4. i share the same sentiments,mich.he’s too thin lo..his face tells it all..i was squeezin sumtime 2 watch my past vids n realised his hazelbrown hairball hair era (face) was much ‘fleshier’ than now loh.the dark hair..dark backdrop..dark skin etc of this samurai pv is making him thinnerrrrr..tsk..so upset..bt it reminds me of ki.se.ki pv (=

    takki..how to help u grow fatter? )=
    *love love love

  5. oommmg … super super GUAPPIISIIMOO .. i likee tsubasa … ooommgg … tsubasa +wind goauuuu ….

    tackiiii ….. babyyy like me
    kiaaaaaaaaaaaa >.

  6. Ok, I really need say this……… OMG THE PV IS SOOOOOO SEXY, HOT, BEAUTIFUL AHHH KAKKOIIII!!!!! ¦D~~~~~ For the love of god Takki is even more beautiful, totally HOT! Tsubasa is very cute and sexy. The PV is in rock style and kinda dark. Oh~~~ *_____*~~~~

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