
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site



Last night I watched the chinese-subbed「君がくれた夏」and cried again~ lol~ like Takki, my tear glands are weak lately :) When 直也くん asked his パパ, for what reason was he brought into this world? 病気のために…? あぁ〜*BAWLS* Everyone can see just how much this boy wants to live. And yet there are people who throw away their lives. And now I realised the significance of the butterfly (okay, and I learnt what is Pieris Rapae ^^).

Monday blues.

But I made it a point to say to myself 「今日も頑張ります!」when T&T greeted me at my desk this morning ^^ Just now I let my mind wander off for a while, and was thinking, REALLY, how lucky I am to be a T&T fan ^^ The T&T booth at the Johnny’s shop might still be as deserted as before 24hrTV, but what’s most important is how the boys have earned the respect of more people after the show.

I read some really nice things that the NTV staff said about them – that they are the same, whether in front of the cameras or backstage. They are polite, sincere, do not put on airs, and even when they’re not in front of the cameras, when they see donators, they’ll shake hands with them. While watching the VTRs, other hosts will sit down occasionally, but T&T remained standing. They kept their smiling faces. Because they are a 2-person unit, they do not have time to take shifts to rest. And the late night comedy show was delayed, so T&T did not have time to rest as originally planned. So… basically, the entire time, they did not sleep, did not rest, and even after all these, they maintained a good working attitude.

Hence the staff and crew were full of praise for Takitsuba. They are exceptionally pleased with the high ratings this time. For the record, the average rating for this yr’s 24hr TV is 18.6%. It’s 2nd best in the entire history of the show (since 1978), only second to the 19% rating of 2005. おめでとう!


Happy Birthday, Chilam!! Hope you’ll have a great day with Anita & Little Chilam :) Yay~ just saw a task coming in. Ganbarimasu!!!


9 thoughts on “「滝翼愛」♥

  1. It’s really happy to hear that they get respect from the staff of 24hrTV. Actually not only them, we owe everyone who participated in that show a great deal. Although it was not perfect, but the whole show actually ran smooth and T&T really paid a lot effort! Hope T&T can continue their spirit and make things happen that only two of them can do!

  2. hello again… sorry to bother you once more but do you have other media downloaders other than megaupload? it seems that here in the Philippines you have to download the toolbar but its a virus… sorry for bothering you…. :(

  3. kiwi~ *bearhug* probably due to all the 24hrtv stories, and dunno y also, this drama made me cry so much haha~ only second to yoshitsune (that one is still the ultimate hahahaha~ dunno y also lol~) ♥

    rowena~ yea, i hope they’ll get their own bangumi soon ne, they have shown that they can do a good and proper job of hosting a show desho~ johnny-san, what are u waiting for!

    sue~ u can try sendspace or mediafire over at bon’s site (note that her parts are numbered differently from mine~ i.e. her part 4 is my part 1) eto, it takes a really long to upload just one part of each file, so i won’t be re-uploading it elsewhere ne, gomen ne, i hope SS or MF works for u!

  4. girl,hope the downloads are running smoothly hehe. i will wait till i meet u to get those marathon downloads (= prolly mid-sept loh..this time i bring my mac!hehe can u bring ur external hd to transfer 4 me pls? i m sorry i m alwaz givin u extra wkload.and i also needa thnk u for paying 4 d enbujou pamph 4 me in adv 2 ribi yo.hehe i luk 4ward 2 sept 2 see u loh!(= pls!!!

  5. Hey, Michelle…love your new layout!! ^_^ Wanted to know if I could click on your header for personal ‘haves’. =) Don’t wanna be clicking on people’s stuff without asking first…thanks.

    How’ve you been lately? Haven’t heard from you in a really long time.

  6. shuduck~ okay, we arrange a time to meet again :)

    you~ i keep saying it, but i love the boys soooooooo much!! takitsuba ai saves the world~ YAY~!!

    reiko~ thanks! eh? my header isn’t linked anywhere ne.. but if u meant u wanna save it to your comp, then go ahead. most of the time it’s alright to save other people’s pics to your comp for personal viewing. but if u wanna RE-POST them up elsewhere (eg. on ur blog, in a forum, youtube, etc), then it’s only right to ask for permission. i hope that helps ne~
    erm, lately, i’ve been drowning in takitsuba love~

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