
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site


4 New 第一でナイトCMs!

Over at the Daiichi Seimei official site, they’ve posted a total of 4 new CMs for Daiichi de Knight. The first series is 「代役はいない」and the other is 「生涯設計のきほん」. Each has 2 versions and the latter has 60s versions, which are of Takizawa Knight reading a book :)

Utaban 2009.09.13

Wahahaha… Takki actually gave a piece of “h” underwear to Asami-chan as bday present! And the funniest thing was the way Asami-chan drew it! LOL! Takki was shouting “draw it properly yo!”. Then after that, they had a palm reading session… I was looking at my left hand at the same time, analysing my own palm lol…

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