
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Tackey Summer Concert 2010

滝沢連合 第387章

Takki updated this after the Nagoya concerts last weekend. Takizawa Rengou Vol. 387 Otsukarechan. Today was Nagoya! Iya~ Everyone who gathered at Nagoya was awesome It was fun, thank you Next is finally Yokohama Put your spirit into it By the way, yesterday I had tebasaki (chicken wings), and on the return shinkansen, I also […]

滝沢連合 第386章

Takki updated Takiren after the final Osaka show. Takizawa Rengou Vol. 386 Otsukarechan The concerts have started! This time, I’m certainly doing many things Takizawa Hideaki is breaking down Osaka has also ended safely. Next up is Nagoya In any case, as it’ll be a rage, yoroshiku Taki CHANNEL will also start soon! Please check […]

[Report] Tackey Summer Concert 2010 – Goods

There is always an additional sense of excitement – when attending the very first show of any concert or butai – of seeing the real goods for the first time, without previews. Last year, it was the Takiranger uchiwa that caught our eyes. This year, it’s Poster B. As we were walking up the stairs […]


大阪に行ってきました!♥ I just got home 2 hours ago. Kinda glad to be back in Singapore, as Osaka was really really hot!! It was perhaps the most tiring trip we’ve had. My whole body is aching now and there are bruises on my leg lol~ the past few days were so hot – hotter than Singapore, […]

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