1) The senshuurakus for both “Takizawa Kakumei” and “Jinsei Kakumei” have ended safely. Takki and the Kakumei Team, honto ni otsukaresama deshita!!! It was a fantastic butai run, doing two shows at the same time wasn’t easy at all~ Hope that there’ll be a DVD release for this :)
2) Takki updated Takiren! I’ll try to translate when I get the text :)
3) The official site & poster for Takizawa Kabuki is now up at Shochikuza website. Glad to see the poster looking like the usual Enbujo ones, and the words in English caught my eyes. Best of all, that “director/producer & lead actor” made me smile~
Takki Tidbits
I hope there is a DVD, but I will not hold my breath, probably have to wait over a year for it!
I am delighted it all ended ok, and no one was hurt, despite the rope slipping incident. Certainly it must have been an arduous month for all.