
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Takki Tidbits… SP version (lol)

After 3 full days of meeting and working at nights, with an average of 4 hrs sleep per day lol… I needed something to regain my lost energy. And just looking at these made me really happy! So I’ve decided to use creations by Azuki in this post, to talk about some of the Takki tidbits I found~XDD

1) Go watch Taki-CHANnel #23! Because… Yay~~\ (^^;)/

Today, the results for Top 5 most favourite episodes are announced. And the one I voted is NUMBER 1!! Ureshii~~~ ^^ Yappari, it’s that episode ne! That episode EQUALS Taki-CHANnel to me. I remember when I first watched it, how *dokidoki* I felt when Tono was angry. It was a classic moment ne, when he threw that wig down lol.

At the end when he apologised, his “gomen” was so cute! But Tono is still so cheeky ne! Even after all those rounds of dokkiri, he still did that small dokkiri at the end LOL. Poor Jrs… haha… But omedetou, Mis-Snow-Man-tachi! And to our dear Takisama for superb planning and execution haha~

2) This is my favourite ever Azuki-made Takki doll!!

Simply toooooo cute! I had to post it, even without a valid reason LOL~~ I WANT TO HUG IT! XD

Okay, to make this a valid tidbit:
There is a Takki interview in saita magazine (Feb 2011 issue) released today. There are 4 colored pages :)

3) Also, today is the release of POTATO magazine with the first volume of the new essay “Taki CHANneLAND”. There are 2 pages of that, and there’s also photo of producer Takki. It seems like there are plans to open back numbers of episodes for viewing come February!

4) Still on Taki Channel… In today’s Kis-my-ft2 concert, the members danced wearing the rollerskates given to them by Takki. At the end of the show, they all did the “fuuu~~~” pose that Takki came up with during the “Senga on trial” episode of Taki-CHANnel! LOL!! They really did it ne!!! I would like to see!! Hahaha!

5) Another Azuki drawing to get us back to Kakumei mode!

There are new stage photos, first batch on sale yesterday. Out of a total of 35 stage photos, there are 23 Takki ones. These are the large-sized photos which costs 500yen each. A photo album is also on sale at 1,500yen each.

Btw, if you zenbu this batch, the stage photos alone will cost 11,500yen! That’s like 185 bucks! *faintz*

6) The official Takizawa Kakumei website has been revamped :)

7) Still on Takizawa Kakumei… According to the Avex site, if you pre-order the T&T Matsuri DVD at Teikoku theatre during the Takizawa Kakumei butai run, you’ll get a “Takki version” clearfile as free gift.

8) And still on Takizawa Kakumei! Takki and Yuma are on the cover of the Feb 2011 issue of Gekkan Musical.

Takki has been updating Takiren every day, answering one question a day. But I haven’t had time to translate, gomen… I’ll try to do them asap, but I doubt I can catch up. In fact, because of the 3-full-day-meetings, I’ve got about 120 unread emails, with more coming in every day. Seems like I can never ever clear my mails! >.<

Takki Tidbits… SP version (lol)

6 thoughts on “Takki Tidbits… SP version (lol)

  1. Mich, thanks for taking time in your horribly busy schedule to give us these updates.

    I agree with you, these cartoons are [as usual] just the cutest. and Azuki’s Takki in a bunny suit is simply adorable.

  2. びっくりしました! * D * !!
    thanks for posting my drawings in your site *hug* I’m really glad you like my drawings

    you know that if I trust on the mail service I’ll send to you Takki bunny so you can go together to kakumei, his flight ticket is cheaper than mine XD
    but I’m afraid you have to wait for next deau to hug him ú_ù
    anyway Takki bunny sends a big kiss for “aunt Mich” jejeje

    thanks to for the news, kakumei mode ON right now ·___· !
    and ganbatte with the work! omae! sleep only 4 hours is not healthy!! you have to rest more Mich!! ò , o!! if you don’t rest enough Tono will bikkuri you!! and you know it’s not gonna be a sweet bikkuri ù__u!! XDDDD

    wow! Simone!! Takki bunny send a kiss for you too! (I almost forgot jejeje)

  3. Mich, thanks for all the update even though you have been busy with you work…..take your time and we will wait patiently..yeah love to hug Takki bunny too.

  4. Thanks Mich for the updates and Azuki for the cute drawing + the so cute Takibunny!

    Yay! I voted that one too! Nods, the gomen ne~ of tono kills! haha.. n the small dokiri had me laughing so much.. Congrats, MSM tachi!

    Damn, I’ve already ordered via amazon for both dvd.. u_u!
    Thanks for ur time n effort on recent updates! U have a rather busy job ne~ ganbatte!

  5. simone~ ne! ^^ that bunny is really kawaii! thanks for being patient with me hehe… i’ll try my best to work on the forum thing soon.

    azuki~ honto! ah, demo if you buy an air ticket for yourself, you can bring takki doll along, so it’s two for the price of one! *wink* good idea? hehehehe~~ hmm, “obasan” ka yo! *sounds like ryuzaki* XD guess what ne, after i made this post last night, i slept for 11 hours, all the way till 3pm today lol!

    leelin~ thank you always for helping with the recordings when i can’t make it. i just got home but i think u’ve gone to bed already… wanted to msg u ne, u take care ne~ *hugs*

    katspore~ the dokkiri thing at the end was really funny haha… tsukachan was lucky to escape unscathed LOL… but trust tono to think of such things ne!

    chanmonkey~ sou ka. that episode didn’t make the top 10 ne. i much prefer the original dokkiri. i just didn’t feel as dokidoki while watching the other episodes… it was like, even though i knew it was a prank, my heart was beating so fast when tono was angry lol… it just shows how natural he is as an actor. he should really do more dramas!

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