
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Author : bon-chan

[Radio] 滝沢電波城 2010.01.16

[OPENING] 「Good evening. This is Takizawa Denpajou’s Takizawa Hideaki. Well, today, we’re out of the Nippon Housou studio and we’re currently airing from the dressing room of Jinsei Kakumei and Takizawa Kakumei, which are currently playing at the Teikoku Gekijou. Well, three weeks have already passed since we’ve entered 2010, but I am still not […]

[Radio] 滝沢電波城 2010.01.09

Minna, hisashiburi desu~ 

 I’m a little late, but for the countdown, I am doing rough translations of Denpajou shows that have aired since the beginning of 2010. Decided to skip some shows because the guest chats would’ve taken too long to translate word-for-word. But I will be translating the most interesting parts from the […]

[レポ] 新春人生革命 2010.01.09 ~ 2010.01.10

It’s Bon-chan again~ I hope these back and forth reports between Takirev and Jinsei aren’t confusing anyone… because even I get confused sometimes, especially when the dates are all over the place lol Anyway, this report only has info from the 9th and 10th because I want to start the next Takirev and Jinsei batches […]

オルトロスの犬 最終回特別イベント

The audience space was separated into two blocks by a fence. At 4 pm, the first-come-first-serves were allowed to gather in the back block behind the fence and at 5 pm, the people who won ballots were allowed to gather in the front block by the stage. A moment later, a lady staff came out […]

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