
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Author : bon-chan

オルトロスの犬 HP

8 more days until we get to see Dark Hero Takizawa. Just thinking about it gives me the fangirl-goosebumps! Actually i’ll be in class so i wont be able to watch it live (残念っ… 授業をサボるべきか~ lol) So lets hope that the uploaders will be super fast on the 24th!! Anyways, this is a rough translation […]

メデゥーサの鏡 Lyrics

I edited the posts already, but i realized that i previously wrote Medusa no KAMI instead of KAGAMI *lol* machigae mashita, sumimasen~ ^^; Anyways, this is my first attempt to translate lyrics. I’m not really good at it, so there are bound to be errors (so please dont repost elsewhere). But as long as we […]

オルトロスの犬 HP

First off, Mich, okaeri!! *hugs* im doing a pretty terrible job of translating the reports, so we’re counting on you ne! XD Back to the serious stuff… Takki updated Takiren last night and the Orthros no Inu HP has also updated with its first Genba (At the scene) Report, which i’ve done a rough translation […]

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