
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Takisama Concert

滝様コンサート’09 パンフ 言葉

In the Takisama Concert’09 pamphlet, there are a few pages where keywords are splashed across the page in different font sizes. Beside each keyword is Takki’s impression of the word, and underneath it is Takki’s comment. Here is a translation of this entire section. Enjoy~ KEYWORDS & IMPRESSIONS Comments from HIDEAKI TAKIZAWA Sea: Wide! After […]

滝様コンサート’09 パンフ Part 3

Here’s a translation of Part 3 of the Takisama Concert’09 Pamphlet. INTERVIEW 03 From the debut through now We had turned 20 when we debuted as Takki & Tsubasa and since that time, we’ve had our own TV shows and we’ve done concerts. I was allowed to do those jobs under very blessed circumstances, so I […]

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