
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

滝沢連合 第353章

Takki updated Takiren yesterday afternoon, perhaps some time before the drama SP preview. Translated by Nyanco (39!), and edited by me.

Takizawa Rengou Vol. 353

15 Nov

Otsukarechan ^^
So~ Today is finally “Kokuchisezu” yo ! There is no doubt it’s a moving drama, and it also has become my favorite drama !! From 9pm tonight, I’m going to kneel down* to watch it ^^ Today, I had a live show in the morning, and after that, I went to have breakfast with people from Ishihara Pro and staff !! Well~ It was fun =3 Especially the managing director of Ishihara Pro ^^ Tecchan and Tacchi (definitely keep this secret) too of course, but what inspired me most was that I could meet the managing director !! Not to mention his attitude towards his work, I also respect him as a person. Above all, he is one who can crack people up more than comedians ^^ He is the God of Laughter ^^ Everyone, thank you very much for your hospitality ^^

Then it was Msute yesterday ^^ Well~ because of the sudden decision, it was the hardest all-night work yo (sweat) I was writing the lyrics until that very morning ^^ Wasn’t that an impact in a way !? Sort of like “bursting into speech !? !?^^ Honestly, I was embarrassed (sweat) From now on, I have to make revolution** in many ways !!

* Takki said “seiza” which is “correct sitting” in Japanese. It’s the traditional way of sitting, where one kneels on the lower legs, and sit on the heels.

** Takki said “kakumei shi NAITO” where NAITO is in katakana. He’s playing with the word “Knight”, per his Daichi de NAITO (Knight) series CMs.

It must be taihen having to perform “Ai Kakumei” on Msute with such little preparation, but I think he pulled it off very well for such a rushed project. His name was like a last min addition, the earlier CMs of Msute didn’t include his name at all. Tono, honto ni otsukaresama deshita!

滝沢連合 第353章

5 thoughts on “滝沢連合 第353ç« 

  1. Having seen the sp yesterday.it’s a very moving.I am look forward takki will work with Ishihara Pro again.:)
    Takki’s performation on Msute is very sugoyi ne.Only four days ,otsukaresama.

    I heard that tickets to the new play have been all sold out.Congratulations!!O(∩_∩)O

  2. Takki’s performance in Msute was sugoi ne….considering the limited time that he had….and yet he was able to perform his best and didn’t disappoint his fans .

    Takki always does his very BEST and as his fan I appreciate that more than anything….

    Though I appreciate other people in translating Takki’s appearances and performance….But I would truly appreciate it if TAKKI’s effort and hard work be respected as well. If not then don’t do it….ne?

  3. He seems vy happy ne~ that’s great! ^^ I hope he can work more & perhaps come up with a longer drama with Ishihara Pro? since he’s so comfortable working with them..fufufu..

    “kakumei shi NAITO” hahah.. vy clever, tono! ^^ I’m so looking forward to it! otsukaresama!

  4. Fun to read Takiren (thanks Nyanco & Michelle). What he says about the “sudden decision” confirms what you are saying, Michelle, about his being added at the last minute on that show.

    He did do a great job.

    Kakumei shi Naito: that’s amusing. He always seems to think of nice plays with words.

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