
A Takizawa Hideaki Fan Site

Majo no Jouken

Tackey @ Osama no Brunch 2009.05.09

KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Takki appeared live in the studio! KAKKOIIII~~ He looks so good!!! I love his hair! XDD Everyone there looked so excited haha~ They played footage from Majo no Jouken, Takirev, Enbujo (including a bit of Mugen no Hane!), Shalala PV’s *chu* scene (it was his adlib!)… There was a “True or False” segment too.  […]

Zubari 2006.03.28 2hr SP

This is for rasha, and any others who might be missing this episode. Part 1: The famous Majo no Jouken Hikaru/Michi bridge scene re-enactment by Takki/Kazuko! Don’t think I’ll ever get sick of watching this clip ne. Takki with jiji-specs = KYYAAAAAAAA!! Then there is also a 100 female high school students special. Download .001 […]

[Clips] Zubari Hikaru/Michi Bridge Scene Re-enactments

This is one of my favourite Zubari clips~ Basically, they played back the famous bridge scene from Majo no Jouken (when Takki was only 17 of coz), and they re-enacted the scene, which we know ends with a *kissu* :D And it kinda fits coz Takki calls Kazu-chan “sensei” too hahahaha~~ juz that their age […]

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